Informacje Prawne

Written By: Ontrack

Date Published: 2023-11-29 09:27:02

Informacje Prawne

Informacje o Firmie

KLDiscovery Ontrack Sp. z o.o

ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 11
Katowice (40-082)

Telefon:  +48 32 779 99 00

Dyrektorzy zarządzający: Julian Ashley Sheppard
Numer rejestracyjny: Regon 278348710

KLDiscovery działa pod następującymi markami: KLDiscovery, Ontrack, IBAS i ReadySuite.


Informacja o ochronie konsumentów - Platforma internetowego rozstrzygania sporów Unii Europejskiej

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Copyright and Trademark Notice

Copyright© 2024 KLDiscovery. All Rights Reserved.

The information contained in this website, including any images published, is subject to copyright and may not be distributed, modified, reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of KLDiscovery Ontrack, LLC.

KLDiscovery®, Ontrack®, Ibas®, Ontrack Data Recovery®, Ontrack PowerControls®, Ready Suite®, Nebula®, Ontrack EasyRecoveryTM, and other brand names used on this website are trademarks of KLDiscovery Ontrack, LLC.

KLDiscovery is a group of companies specializing in electronic discovery and data recovery solutions. The parent company of the group, KLDiscovery Inc, is a public company whose shares are quoted on the OTC Pink Sheet Market in the United States.

Statement on Modern Slavery

This disclosure is made pursuant to local requirements on Modern Slavery and covers KLDiscovery Inc. and its Subsidiaries (collectively, the “KLDiscovery Group”).

The KLDiscovery Group operates globally as a provider of eDiscovery solutions together with data recovery products and services. The KLDiscovery Group does not consider that eDiscovery or data recovery are in a high-risk category for slavery and human trafficking as they are technical solutions using proprietary technology of the KLDiscovery Group or licensed from a limited set of developers of such technology. On this basis, there is very little that the KLDiscovery Group can do to audit its supply chains. However, the KLDiscovery Group remains vigilant in all areas of its business and will monitor for any suspicious activity that could lead to any suspicion that our suppliers are involved in slavery or human trafficking.

Notwithstanding the above, the KLDiscovery Group does ensure that it undertakes the following:

  • Ensures that correct employment procedures are implemented such that employees have a safe environment in which to work;
  • Complies with employment legislation and regulation in the countries it operates in; and
  • Operates a notification procedure globally for employees who consider that their specific wellbeing, or that of the KLDiscovery Group, is compromised.

This disclosure was approved by the Board of Directors of KLDiscovery Inc. on November 27, 2024.