Digital Data: Under Pressure From Climate Change?
Climate change and its effects are now more prevalent than ever. It is becoming more common that access to our personal data, photos and memories and critical business information is being affected....
Managed Tape Services for Legacy Data Control
With businesses generating, storing, and utilizing more data than ever before, the secure storage and archiving of legacy data is essential if businesses want to meet their industry’s compliance...
6 simple tips to protect yourself against ransomware
Hardly a day goes by without a corporate IT system or a privately owned computer being infected by ransomware. Every time the result is same: the victims are blackmailed with high monetary demands....
Recovering data from ransomware attacks
When organizations are struck with ransomware, and crucial data can’t be accessed, it can be an extremely stressful time for all involved. Getting access to that critical data as quickly as possible...
Dealing with a ransomware attack
A ransomware attack is one of the biggest threats facing online users. In this article, we explore what happens during a ransomware attack, and the steps you need to take to secure your organization...
Slik unngår du å miste bilder på iPhone
Over 2000 privatpersoner spredt over hele landet kontaktet oss i fjor med et inderlig håp om å få rekonstruert viktige data. I de fleste tilfellene handlet det om slettet eller mistet bilder på...