Climate change and its effects are now more prevalent than ever. It is becoming more common that access to our personal data, photos and memories and critical business information is being affected. Severe and sometimes unplannable climate events have a particularly devastating effect on business operations and the fate of entire companies along with their employees. Social institutions are completely overwhelmed and are increasingly having to limit their services.
Ontrack Data Recovery can help you with our experience in dealing with lost data due to climate events, even in situations with extreme heat, storms and floods.

Well positioned for early detection of new trends in relation to data loss scenarios
For years at Ontrack Data Recovery, we have been identifying trends in data loss scenarios at an early stage, including new cyber-attack scenarios, certain storage media/models failing more often than average due to design flaws, or, when the number of data recovery requests increases significantly within a short period of time due to severe weather.
As a global data recovery specialist, we have been dealing with data loss scenarios due to extreme weather conditions since our company was founded in 1985.
Whether individual servers, storage devices, laptops or smartphones overheat on hot summer days, smartphones come into contact with too much water or moisture, or there is consequential damage due to a lightning strike (fire or short circuit), Ontrack is uniquely positioned to help its customers recover their data.
Increasingly severe weather events
We see bushfires in Australia, hurricanes in the USA and across Asia. However, since 2022, the number of data recovery requests caused by extreme weather has been steadily increasing. Many requests have been received as a result of the flooding that has occurred across Europe.
Climate and weather experts say that the number of weather events has not changed so far, but the impact of climate change is becoming increasingly severe with each event. Climate change has led to slightly higher temperatures, but much more water and energy is being stored in the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the reduction of the jet stream winds in the upper atmosphere then has the effect that the weather events move much more slowly, or, even seem to stand still. This manifests itself in sudden, prolonged, local heavy rain, mudslides, debris flows, floods, stationary thunderclouds and violent lightning strikes, but also large amounts of snow.
Hurricanes are also becoming more and more energetic and water-laden, sometimes in combination with violent small-scale tornadoes. Once-in-a-century events will soon occur every few years, making it increasingly difficult to plan for the future.
The drought and heat, which are now spreading further north, are also leading to power restrictions and partial shutdowns of large power plants due to a lack of cooling water. Server rooms and data centers, some of which have enormous energy requirements for cooling, are already exposed to additional risk with their infrastructure.
Unfortunately, it is to be feared that these violent events will intensify considerably in the coming years due to ongoing climate change.
Good preparation saves a lot of trouble for your digital data.
A few free tips to help you avoid a climate-based data loss disaster:
Be aware of your data and the devices on which you store it. Always handle it with care.
Make regular backups of your data. Ideally, you should store the backup data in a different location from the original data/devices, i.e. well “air-gapped”, ideally in the cloud or a safe deposit box. Follow the “3-2-1-1-0 rule” – 3 copies of the data stored on 2 different media, 1 of which is offline and 1 of which is offsite and checked for 0 errors.
Get good insurance that not only replaces damaged equipment in an emergency but also, and especially, covers the recovery of lost data.
Regularly check the functionality of your infrastructure/devices and be sure to replace old storage media/memory before they fail due to their age.
Create a physical, printed disaster recovery plan. This should include all your important emergency contacts. Consider including the Ontrack 24/7 emergency number, who can rescue companies from seemingly hopeless data incidents.
Also think about the passwords you need to restore backups or to recover encrypted servers and LUNs. These should also be stored and backed up externally.
We help customers with their critical and complex data challenges using unique technology and first-class service.
Ontrack Data Recovery – your data firefighters!
More about:
Flooding and Damaged device data recovery