Leistungsstarke SharePoint Recovery mit Ontrack PowerControls™

Die optimale Möglichkeit zum Durchsuchen und Wiederherstellen von SharePoint-Datenbanken.

Suchen und Wiederherstellen von Inhalten wie Dokumente, Listen, Bibliotheken, Ordner oder ganzen SharePoint Server-Sites mit Ontrack PowerControls. Es ist nicht erforderlich, einen teuren Wiederherstellungsserver zur Verfügung zu haben; ziehen Sie einfach Daten direkt aus Ihren Backups per Drag & Drop.

Ontrack PowerControls for SharePoint

Granulare Wiederherstellung von SharePoint Items und Inhalten

Mit der Software Ontrack PowerControls können Administratoren schnell und einfach SharePoint Inhalte (Dokumente, Listen, Bibliotheken, Ordner usw.) suchen und diese, wie auch ganze SharePoint-Sites, wiederherstellen.


Ontrack PowerControls für SharePoint Funktionen

Gray-SQL Recovery 2 Easily Preview
Suchen nach Elementtyp, Stichwörter, Betreff, Datum, bestimmte Benutzer oder Datei- und Anhänge.
Gray- Partner Resource Center 5- Data Recovery
Stellen Sie Elemente direkt auf einem Produktionsserver oder SharePoint-Server oder in einem Dateisystem wieder her.
Gray- Media Shipping 1- Shipping Tips
Daten sammeln
Sammeln Sie Dokumente nach Benutzer oder Datum und exportieren Sie diese für gesetzliche Anforderungen.
Gray-LUN Erase 3 Compatibility
Konsolidieren Sie Ihre SharePoint-Elemente oder Websites, indem Sie sie finden und auf neue oder alternative Websites verschieben.

Erweiterte Funktionen für Ontrack PowerControls für SharePoint

Lizenzierte Agenten

Wiederherstellung von Daten aus RBS - Organisationen die eine Remote BLOB Store (RBS) Lösung im Einsatz haben können die granulare Suche und Wiederherstellungsfunktion mit den folgenden Agenten erreichen:

Agent für Metalogix StoragePoint
Agent für StorSimple Database Optimierer

Bitte beachten: Alle Agenten sind in der Voreinstellung deaktiviert und benötigen eine neue Lizenz zur Aktivierung.


Gray- Premium Partner 1- Premium Reseller


  • Steigern Sie Ihren Umsatz und sparen Sie Ihren Kunden Zeit und Geld
  • Großzügige Partnerrabatte
  • Wiederverkauf auf Projektbasis oder an größere Kunden, die ihre Daten vor Ort selbst verwalten
Gray- Services 4- Email Extraction

Hosting Services

  • Schnelle Wiederherstellung von Elementen für Ihre Kunden
  • Differenzieren Sie Ihr Serviceangebot mit granularer Wiederherstellung
  • Kommerzielle Lizenzen zur unbegrenzten Nutzung
Gray- Services 7- eDiscovery


  • Extrahieren von Elementen aus Backups für Ihre Kundenprojekte
  • Forensisch einwandfrei und ohne Auswirkungen auf Metadaten
  • Kommerzielle Lizenzen für unbegrenzte Nutzung
Gray-SQL Recovery 7 for Backup

Für OEMs

  • Erhalten Sie eine auf Ihr Geschäftsmodell abgestimmte Lizenz
  • Sie können die API zur Ausführung der Ontrack PowerControls-Bibliotheken in Ihre Benutzeroberfläche integrieren

SharePoint Recovery mit Ontrack PowerControls™ Häufig Gestellte Fragen

How do I recover a deleted file in SharePoint using PowerControls?

The following instructions show you how to restore files or other individual items to a folder in a target server using Ontrack PowerControls for SharePoint: To restore items
  • In the Source pane or Find in Sources window, copy the item from the item list.
  • In the Target pane, paste the items into a folder or list in the target server.
  • Note: You can also drag an item from the Source pane to the Target pane.
In the Copy Progress window, verify that your items were successfully copied. You can also print or save the copy report by doing one of the following.• Click Print to print the copy report.• Click Save to save the copy report as a text file.In the Copy Progress window, click Close to return to the main window.Guidelines for Restoring Items
  • You can restore from the items list in the Source panel or the Find in Sources window.
  • Restoring individual items does not preserve the directory structure of the restored items.
  • "Pages” item types may switch their content type when restored; however, metadata is preserved. In this scenario, the content type becomes the default content type for the list. For example, the content type on the source would be "Welcome Page,” but after restoring, the content type would be "Page.”
  • When restoring an item with moderation status (or approval status) of "Pending”, the author and editor are updated to "System Account.”
  • When restoring items to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 and later, set the Content Approval to No in the Library (or List) Settings > Versioning setting for that particular list to avoid loss of version numbers and moderation status changes. Content Approval can be set to Yes after restoring.
Note: If you copy a site, list, folder, or item from the Source pane and paste it to any target destination, Ontrack PowerControls preserves the directory structure of all restored items.

How do I restore a list in SharePoint?

The following instructions show you how to restore a list to any target destination using Ontrack PowerControls for SharePoint:
  • In the Source pane, copy a list.
  • In the Target pane, paste the list into a site.
  • Note: You can also drag a list in the Source pane to the Target pane.
  • In the Copy Progress window, verify your results to make sure that your lists were copied to the target destination. You can also print or save the copy report by doing one of the following.
    • Click Print to print the copy report.
    • Click Save to save the copy report as a text file.
  • In the Copy Progress window, click Close to return to the main window.
  • Guidelines for Restoring a List
    • When restoring a list that contains a lookup column that includes a field column that references a list that does not exist on the target:
      • For Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2013, when browsing to the restored list, a "File Not Found” error appears. To correct, manually remove the lookup field reference columns from the restored list.
      • For Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2016, the lookup field reference column will be empty.
    • Note: When creating or editing a Lookup column, you can include a field column by selecting any of the "additional fields” columns associated with the lookup.
    • Summary links columns do not function correctly after a list is restored if the target does not have the Workflows site collection feature activated. Attempting to edit any restored items displays an XSLT error. To resolve the issue, enable the Workflows site collection feature.
      • Note: Summary Links columns can only be added to Issue Tracking lists.
    • For Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2013, restored lists may be added to a site's quick links.

How do I restore a SharePoint site with PowerControls?

The following instructions show you how to restore a site to a target destination using Ontrack PowerControls for SharePoint:
  • In the Source pane, copy a site.
  • Paste the site into the desired location of the Target pane.
  • Note: You can also drag a site in the Source pane to the Target pane.
  • If the source site is pasted into the root node of a target, the Select Site Collection URL dialog box appears. Select the web application and site collection URL and enter the primary site collection administrator information to copy the site by doing the following:
  • In the Select a Web Application drop-down list, select the web application to be used as the target server.
  • In URL, view the web application URL label. This is the base URL where the new site collection will be located
  • In the Managed Path drop-down list, select the managed paths that reside in the target server for the selected Web Application. The contents of this list changes based on the Web Application selected. If you want to have a specific URL other than "/site/” for a site collection, you need to select a managed path.
  • If you select a managed path with Explicit Inclusion, a single Microsoft Office SharePoint Server site can be created for the given URL, so nothing more is required. If you select a managed path with Explicit Inclusion, the Site Name field will be disabled.
  • Note: This option may not be available if a site has already been created for
  • the given path.
  • Example: http://servername:portnumber/Sales
  • If you select a managed path with Wildcard Inclusion, you can create further site collections under the specified managed path. The Site Name field is enabled, and you can create the site name which is appended on the path URL. In this case you must specify a Site Name for the new site collection.
  • Example: http://servername:portnumber/Manufacturing/Group1 and http://servername:portnumber/Manufacturing/Group 2.
  • If the Site Name box is enabled, enter a site name for additional website addresses.
  • Note: The following characters cannot be used in the site name: " # % & * : < > ? /{ } ~. The site name also cannot start with an underscore character "_".
  • In the Authentication Mode drop-down list, select Windows Authentication or Forms Authentication.
  • In the Primary Site Collection Administrator box, enter the following depending on the mode of authentication you are using:
  • If you are using Windows Authentication, enter the domain and username of the user that will be the primary site collection administrator. This username must be in the DomainUsername format. Ontrack PowerControls will use this username to connect to the new site collection after it has been created.
  • If you are using Forms Authentication, enter the username of the user that will be the primary site collection administrator. Ontrack PowerControls will use this username to connect to the new site collection after it has been created.
  • In the Password: box, enter the password for the primary site collection administrator.
  • The username and password are validated for the primary site collection administrator, so the site collection will not be created until the correct password is supplied for the site collection administration.
  • Click OK. The source site is copied into the target site.
  • In the Copy Progress window, verify your results to ensure that your sites were copied to the target destination. You can also print or save the copy report by doing one of the following.Click Print to print the copy report.Click Save to save the copy report as a text file.
  • In the Copy Progress window, click Close to return to the main window.
  • Guidelines for Restoring a Site
    • Site Quotas for parent-level sites will not be restored.
    • For site and list permissions, if a matching group exists on the target, the site or list will use the target group's permission levels and users associated with that group. If the target group has different users or permissions levels than the source, the site or list will now use the target's permissions.
    • Quick Links for sites that contain a Pages List (Publishing Site, Personalization Site, etc.) may appear differently after restoring a site. Once a page type document (Page, Article Page, Master Page, etc.) is checked into a pages site, a Quick Link is added. Since
    • Ontrack PowerControls does not restore the checked-out state, items are assumed to be checked in. Therefore, additional Quick Links may appear after the site has been restored.
    • When restoring a site collection from Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007 to Microsoft Office SharePoint 2013 with the 2010 Experience, the following site collections are blocked:
    • Enterprise
      • Records Center
      • Site Directory
      • Report Center
      • Search Center with Tabs
      • My Site Host
    • Publishing
      • Collaboration Portal
      • Publishing Portal
    • When restoring a site with unique master page from Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007 to Microsoft Office SharePoint 2013 with the 2010 Experience, the default look and feel is applied. To restore the original master page look and feel, add the master page to the
    • Master Page Gallery list and change the master page in Site Settings.
    • Note: The master page should be prepared for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2013.
    • Also, all files referenced in the master page file must exist on the target.
  • Restoring sites to a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2013 or later target may produce duplicate "Site Contents” links in the site's "Current Navigation” pane.

How do I restore folders in SharePoint?

The following instructions show you how to restore a folder to any target destination using Ontrack PowerControls for SharePoint:
  • To restore a folder
  • 1. In the Source pane, copy a folder.
  • 2. In the Target pane, paste the folder into a folder or list.
  • Note: You can also drag a folder from the Source pane to the Target pane.
  • 3. In the Copy Progress window, verify your results to make sure your items from all folders were copied to the target destination. You can also print or save the copy report by doing one of the following.
    • Click Print to print the copy report.
    • Click Save to save the copy report as a text file.
  • 4. In the Copy Progress window, click Close to return to the main window.
  • Guidelines for Restoring a Folder
    • Folders may not have their created and/or modified date preserved when restored.
    • The moderation status (or approval status) of a folder is not retained. The status of a folder that has been restored is always "Approved.”

Microsoft SharePoint Server

Ontrack® PowerControls™ for Microsoft SharePoint allows administrators to quickly and easily find, recover and restore Microsoft Office SharePoint server items including:
  • Entire SharePoint sites
  • Documents
  • Lists
  • Libraries and folders

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