Ransomware Recovery – Veeam Agent for Windows

30 August, 2022 12:11:01 PM GMT-04:00

The Situation A health care customer was affected by a ransomware attack that not only targeted their server data, but also “Veeam Agent for Windows” backups located on an external HDD. Their IT / Read more

Case Studies

The Situation The pharmaceutical company lost almost 4 million files of highly critical research and development data when moving files within the Isilon storage system. The “lost files” were mostly...

The Situation A single user’s laptop at a large pharmaceutical company was infected with CryptoLocker ransomware. This malware encrypts the user’s files and withholds the encryption key until you pay...

The Situation A client recently experienced a remote ransomware attack that resulted in Ontrack engineers being presented with one of their most extraordinary data recovery efforts to date: restoring...

The Situation The end-customer needed to have access to data on a large number of 3592 and 3592/JA tapes for a period of five years, in order to comply with data retention and governance regulations....

The Situation A customer contacted Ontrack’s experts in need of help with Mac data recovery for a laptop that had been dropped and accidentally run over by a truck, causing its battery to combust....

The Situation A client inadvertently ran a command that deleted critical files on a Dell/EMC Isilon storage array containing 270 disks totaling 2 petabytes (PB). The Solution After having the drives...

KLDiscovery Ontrack Pte Ltd, 148 Electric Road 12/F, Unit 1203A, North Point, Hong Kong (see all locations)