How to back up your smartphone? (Part 2)

Written By: Ontrack

Date Published: 1 September 2022 10:15:02 AM

How to back up your smartphone? (Part 2)

A smartphone is a small computer that you can also use to make phone calls - that's nothing new. What comes as a surprise is that it seems that many users don't know that you should also make a backup of your smartphone - these small devices store more personal and business (and sensitive) data than on their big brothers (laptops, PC's and tablets).

Without a backup, in the event of a defect, a walk to the nearest repair shop ends with a total loss of data as the smartphone will be reset to the factory settings.

Backing up is FREE

We would like to introduce you two free tools here that are suitable for backing up the data of your Android smartphone (which are also available as a paid version with a larger range of functions)."Normal" smartphones.

"Normal" smartphones

One program is recommended for "normal" smartphones, the second for "rooted" phones where the user has full access (even to normally locked areas). Since rooting voids the warranty (and you can put your little computer completely out of order) we do without the appropriate instructions - you will find all the appropriate information in detail on the web.

For "normal" - that is, not rooted smartphones - the app "Helium App Sync and Backup" is a good choice. Install the app on the device and the related program "Helium Backup - Desktop Client" on the PC.

With a suitable USB cable, you establish the connection between both devices. A green tick indicates: Everything is fine, let's go.

You can choose between a full backup or a backup of the most important user data. After creating the backup, the success (or failure) of the backup is displayed.

The "Restore and Sync" tab is used to restore your data. You only have to select the apps you want and confirm with "Restore". It is also possible to save the backup on the Google cloud - but only in the paid version.

"Rooted" smartphones

Especially for the professional user with a rooted phone "Titanium Backup" is designed for. The program can save all conceivable system settings, apps and short messages. With the program, the stored data can also be installed on a new smartphone.

After installing the app, start it and confirm the root request. Via the "Menu" softkey of your mobile phone, select in the main menu "Batch actions ..." and then "Backup". You also have to decide here whether you only want to back up user applications or the system data. Then press "Start". Now you have to confirm your selection by ticking the appropriate checkmark.

For a restore, select "Restore" under "Batch actions". As you can see, it's not hard to back up your data from an Android smartphone.

Of course, there are a lot of other backup programs that can often simplify the management of a smartphone. We would like to share with you the information about two other recommendable tools.

  • MyPhoneExplorer is a desktop client for Windows PCs. With the program you can "manage" the address book, the calendar, short messages, call lists, any files or photos simply on your own PC - creating a backup is done almost incidental here.

  • CM Backup essentially consists of a cloud service provided by Cheetah Mobile via Amazon S3. The web interface for data stored in the cloud is intuitive to use.

If you want to read more about the topic of backup: A detailed guide is available at

If you have already suffered data loss on a smartphone

If you forgot to back up and lost important files on your smartphone, things will look different. In this case, you should contact a designated and experienced data recovery, specialist.


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