A Deep Dive for Dell/EMC Isilon Data

Written By: Ontrack

Date Published: 1 September 2022 10:27:04 AM

A Deep Dive for Dell/EMC Isilon Data

The Situation

A client inadvertently ran a command that deleted critical files on a Dell/EMC Isilon storage array containing 270 disks totaling 2 petabytes (PB). 

The Solution

After having the drives in question flown in, Ontrack’s recovery engineers began an in-depth evaluation and determined that the JIT* development team would be needed to assist in data recovery from this version of Isilon. Within eight weeks of working nights, weekends, and holidays to develop a proper solution, an initial set of data was delivered to the client. 

While the client was ecstatic to receive the recovered files, they also requested that subsequent tasks be done to prove that no stone was left unturned in their recovery efforts, per regulatory requirements. Ontrack’s JIT development team complied by combing through the 270 drives in search of files that matched regulatory requirements and implementing a process that would search, copy, and deduplicate specific files that were found across each disk.

After months of conducting a thorough secondary search, more than 300 million files and 13 terabytes (TB) of PDF and JPG files were produced. 

The Resolution

This project exemplifies the ability of Ontrack’s team of recovery experts to go above and beyond to meet the client’s needs. Our team of engineers is not only well-equipped to restore files lost from Dell/EMC Isilon storage, but they are also prepared to recover your data according to regulatory standards in place.


*JIT stands for "Just In Time". It means that our development team can make changes on our tools on the fly to accommodate custom problems or changes to third party file systems and others. It's a development capability that sets Ontrack apart from other data recovery companies that just buy fixed data recovery tools off the shelf.



KLDiscovery Ontrack Pty Ltd, Suite 9, 28 Donkin Street, West End, Brisbane, QLD 4101, Australia (see all locations)