What is sample file and how to get them?

A sample file is a working video or photo file created from the same device having the same file format as the corrupted video(s) or photo(s).

Video on laptop.

Ontrack EasyRecovery uses sample file information, such as format, encoding, bitrate, FPS, and resolution details to repair severely corrupt video files.

ParameterCorrupted Video
1-cop..p4 (328.75 MB)
Sample Video
1.mp4 (329.52 MB)
BitrateMissing2000095 kbps
FPSMissing30.04 fps

Likewise, Ontrack EasyRecovery Photo uses file type, resolution, ISO, and other details from the sample file to repair corrupt photo files.

ParameterCorrupted Photo
1.CR3 (20.58 MB)
Sample Photo
10.CR3 (18.54 MB)
File TypeCR3CR3
ISOMissingISO- 1600
ResolutionMissing72 dpi
Bit depthMissing24

How to get a Sample File?

Use the same device to shoot a new video or photo in the same format as the corrupted one.

Find a video or photo on the internet in the same format captured by the same device as the corrupted file.

Use a video or photo taken with the same device in the past.

For example, if you have corrupted MOV videos/ JPEG photos shot from Nikon Z 8 camera, to create a sample file, use the same camera to shoot a new video or picture in the same format as the corrupted one.

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