How to Recover Deleted videos?

Written By: Ontrack

Date Published: Oct 31, 2023 2:45:10 AM

How to Recover Deleted videos?

Recovering Deleted videos

Imagine a situation in which you have accidentally deleted your precious birthday video off of your hard drive or your business video project is nowhere to be found on your USB stick. What do you do? Panic?

Thankfully not! With a powerful data recovery software, you have every chance of recovering your accidentally deleted videos.

How to recover deleted videos from the trash?

When you delete videos stored on your PC or computer, the deleted files go directly to the trash. At this point, you can still easily recover your videos. To do this, right-click on the video placed in the trash and click on "restore". This recovery principle remains the same on laptops.

How to recover deleted video surveillance?

In this day and age, video surveillance has become very popular with both professionals and private individuals. Whether your video surveillance is IP, analog, wired or WIFI there is always a risk of data loss.

A hardware failure or a software bug is enough to erase all of your stored data. If you are in a situation where your video surveillance has been deleted, it is always possible to restore erased videos using powerful data recovery software such as Ontrack EasyRecovery.

recovering deleted videos from a phoneHow do I recover a deleted video from my phone?

If you have stored videos on your mobile that have been accidentally deleted, you should consider downloading Ontrack’s data recovery software, Ontrack EasyRecovery. This tool will allow you to recover deleted videos from your phone whether an iPhone or Android.

If you do have important videos stored on your mobile phone, don’t hesitate to do backups on a regularly occasion. Make it a habit to perform backups regular, this will ensure that your data is safe in the event of data loss from a virus, physical damage or accidental deletion.

How to recover your deleted videos in 3 easy steps.

Ontrack EasyRecovery is a high-performance data recovery software that has many advantages. This easy to use software is proven to be highly effective and allows you to recover your deleted videos in just 3 easy steps. Before starting the recovery operation, make sure that your media is recognized by a computer:


Step 1 - Start by connecting your media and running the software.

Download the Ontrack EasyRecovery software. Connect your phone and run the software. The tool will provide a list of icons that correspond to the different media that can be recovered from. Choose the media that represents your own. Note the recovery software is only effective on a media recognized by a computer. If your drive is not recognized by your computer, you will need to send your media to the experts at Ontrack who will perform a laboratory data recovery.


Step 2 - Initiate the analysis of your support.

Select the destination in which you want to recover your files to. Confirm this and the software will start the analysis of your media.


Step 3 - Recover your videos.

At the end of the scan, all of your recoverable files will be listed in green. Select the videos you want to recover and save them in a safe place.






KLDiscovery Ontrack, LLC, 9023 Columbine Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347, United States (see all locations)